My Theory, my Values ​​and the way I apply them in Action with Wisdom

Scientific Meeting held on the 24th of September 2022 at 50 Akadimias street, "Antonis Tritsis" amphitheatre, in Athens.
Organizer: International, Interdisciplinary Society entitled SY.N.TH.E.SI. The Heuristic Teachers’ Society

in collaboration with the Laboratory of "Psychology, Educational Research and Media in Education", Department of Primary Education University of Aegean

Under the Auspices
City of Athens
Read the decision of the Municipality of Athens here (greek text)

The creation of SY.N.TH.E.SI. arose from a core of people in education with innovative ideas who wanted and want a liberating education (Kosmidou, 1989), an education that "does not pester, does not trap, but actually educates" (Kosmidou-Hardy 2005a, 2005b).

A basic purpose of SY.N.THE.SI. was and is the highlighting of the importance of the Active European Citizen. We highlighted the importance of the existence of this citizen since 1999 through the three-year European Transnational Program with the acronym SY.N.TH.E.SI. (SYnergetic New THesis for European education SImera).

In our philosophical view and in our sociological analyses, we identify the weaknesses of social institutions and support the necessity for social change and development to shape societies characterized by timeless values. For the development of such societies, a basic condition is the existence of aware, critically thinking citizens characterized by self-awareness and social awareness. Social development presupposes personal development and such development can be systematically achieved through education and Heuristic teachers based on the Critical Developmental Model of Education that we propose (Kosmidou-Hardy 2008, Kosmidou-Hardy and Sofos 2020) which is also presented in relevant page of the website of SY.N.TH.E.SI.

A second purpose of SY.N.TH.E.SI. is the promotion of intercultural communication. We highlighted this issue through a variety of our events, culminating in the theatrical performance we held at the Ancient Stadium of Delphi in 2000 entitled 'Euro-citizens'. Citizens of Europe of values and culture, or citizens of Euro approached with a narrow perspective and characterized by a technocratic logic?

SY.N.THE.SI., in collaboration with the Laboratory of "Psychology, Educational Research and Media in Education", Department of Primary Education University of Aegean, moving in this broader philosophical framework that is evident in our present short text, with the international conference we held in November 2019 and the publication of the conference proceedings in the book by Kosmidou-Hardy, Chr. and Sofos Al. (2020, ed.), The Educator as Professional: Identity and Work Profile. (Athens: Grigoris) is starting a program of further support for teachers.

In the context of this problem, it plans to carry out a series of activities in collaboration with the Laboratory of "Psychology, Educational Research and Media in Education", Department of Primary Education University of Aegean, whose head is the Vice-President of SY.N.TH.E.SI., Professor Sofos Loizos

The main purpose of this series of activities is to encourage and empower teachers to realize, systematize and publicize their own theory/philosophy thus participating in the production of knowledge. In this way, in a period of about a year and depending on the creativity and active participation of the teachers, a reservoir of basic theoretical/applied topics can be developed and then a book can be published.

A relevant international conference will also be organized later, for its organization the participants of this conference will cooperate.


You can view Meeting's program here (Greek text).
(keep in mind that times mentioned in the program are in GMT +3 [Eastern European Summer Time] format.)

Conference's poster (greek)